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Change Management

All changes, big or small, cause some disruption in a person’s life. Different life crises have different impacts. To evaluate your chances of change-related illness, add up the values of all the changes that have occurred in your life in the last year. This rating scale helps show the relationship between major changes in your life and your health. It can also be used as a preventive tool because, in many cases, you may be able to anticipate change and prepare for it.


Major Changes vs. Health
Self-Screening Test

First, go through the list and check the boxes in the appropriate areas. Then go back and fill in the “Value” boxes with the corresponding number. Total at the bottom.

  1. EventValue

  2. Death of spouse100

  3. Divorce 73

  4. Separation 65

  5. Jail term 63

  6. Death of a close family relation 63

  7. Personal illness or injury 53

  8. Marriage 50

  9. Fired at work 47

  10. Marriage reconciliation 45

  11. Retirement 45

  12. Change in the health of a family member 44

  13. Pregnancy 40

  14. Sex difficulties 39

  15. Gain of a new family member 39

  16. Business readjustment 38

  17. Change of financial state 38

  18. Death of a close friend 37

  19. Change to a different line of work 36

  20. Change in the # of arguments with spouse 35

  21. Having a large mortgage or loan 30

  22. Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 30

  23. Change of responsibilities at work 29

  24. Child leaving home 29

  25. Trouble with in-laws 29

  26. Outstanding personal achievement 28

  27. Spouse begins or stops work 26

  28. Begin or end school or college 26

  29. Change in living conditions 25

  30. Change in personal habits 24

  31. Trouble with boss 23

  32. Change in working hours or conditions 20

  33. Change of residence 20

  34. Change of recreation 19

  35. Change in church activities 19

  36. Change in social activities 18

  37. Having a moderate mortgage or loan 17

  38. Change in sleeping habits 16

  39. Change in eating habits 15

  40. Holiday 13

  41. Christmas 12

  42. Minor violations of the law 11


Add up the values in the boxes you’ve checked above    SCORE _______________


The score and percentages below represent your chance of having a serious health

change within the next 12 months.

Score  %

Less than 150=10%



300+ =80%


This questionnaire is intended to give you a general indication of stress and in no way should be taken as an accurate diagnosis regardless of your results.  REACH can provide support for change management related concerns. Call 1-800-273-5273.

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