Effective communication is essential to building healthy and productive relationships at home and work. The Self-Assessment Inventory below can help evaluate how well you communicate.
How true are the following statements (rarely true) 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 (usually true)
I am often unclear about the responsibilities of my job ________
I often try to listen to someone “with half an ear” while doing something else ______
I have problems “getting along” with my co-workers ______
I rarely express my true feeling to anyone ______
I have problems staying focused when someone is talking to me ______
I have been referred to as unapproachable, emotionally unavailable, or withdrawn ______
I often feel misunderstood ______
I tend to get emotionally upset when someone disagrees with me ______
I often feel like others control the conversation with me ______
I do whatever I can to avoid a confrontation ______
I have been told more than once, that I am insensitive ______
I have been told more than once that I speak too fast, slow, soft or loud ______
I rarely ask for clarification even when I’m not sure what was being said to me ______
I often have difficulty understanding what others are saying ______
I often withdraw or become verbally aggressive when confronted at home or work ______
I often speak before I think _____
I feel that I compete more than converse ______
When told a problem I often am too quick to give advice ______
I have been told that I interrupt why others are talking ______
I rarely smile, try to compliment, or show gratitude to co-workers ______
The following scoring index should be used to suggest a rating of your communication skills.
20-40 = Great
51-75 = Good
76-100 = Average
101-125 = Poor
REACH provides confidential counseling and coaching assistance to help with improving your communication skills. To speak to a counselor or set up an appointment call toll free 1-800-273-5273.