Studies indicate that suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S. And while untreated depression is believed to be the number one cause leading to suicide, there are often other underlying concerns that can contribute such as; substance abuse, mental illness, financial and job stressors. Our hope is that awareness and putting light on this dark subject at work and home, will be the breakthrough needed to help employees choose life.
Remember, all indications of potential suicidal behavior need to be taken seriously and acted on. The following are some of the most common warning signs:
Feeling hopeless and or appearing depressed or sad most of the time
Withdrawing from family and friends
Increased alcohol or drug use
Dramatic mood changes
Rage, uncontrolled anger, seeking revenge
Sleeping too much or too little
Anxiety, agitation, unable to sleep or sleeping all the time
Giving away prized possessions
Making statements of “not wanting to live” or “no sense of purpose”
Writing notes or poems about suicide or death.
If you or someone you know exhibits any of the warning signs listed above, immediate assistance may be required. Seek out a caring family member, friend or a professional counselor to assess the need for support. REACH is always available if you or your loved one needs assistance in the area of suicide prevention.REACH provides free confidential counseling and referral assistance to help with concerns of potential suicide. To speak to a counselor or set up an appointment call toll free 1-800-273-5273.
Additional Resources Recommended:
American Association of Suicideology http://www.suicidology.org
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
National Institute of Mental Health NIMH » Suicide Prevention