Clinical Depression Self-Screening Test
Use the following checklist to determine if you or someone you know may be suffering from clinical depression.
Feelings of sadness and/or irritability
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
Changes in weight or appetite
Changes in sleeping pattern
Feeling guilty or worthless
Inability to concentrate, remember things, or make decisions
Fatigue or loss of energy
Restlessness or decrease activity noticed by others
Feelings of hopelessness *
Thoughts of suicide or death *
Manic Symptoms
Increased energy and decreased need for sleep
Inappropriate excitement or irritability
Promiscuous sexual behavior
Disconnected and racing thoughts *
Impulsive behavior and poor judgement
Score __________
Speak to a REACH counselor if you checked the following:
Any symptoms with a * mark next to them
Five or more of the “first set of symptoms”
and/or two or more of the “manic symptoms”, lasting more than two weeks.
Remember, most cases of depression can be treated successfully with proper intervention, counseling, and/or medication. Contact REACH for more information!
Online News About Depression:
In the past year, 60 million Americans have searched for disease specific information online. Inquires on depression was the leading disease sought after for insight and research with (19%), allergies/sinus problems was second with (16%), bipolar disorder (14%), arthritis/rheumatism (10%), high blood pressure (10%), migraines (9%), anxiety (9%) heart disease (8%), and sleep disorders (8%).
-Source: Louis Harris & Associates poll
Suggested website information: