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De-Stressing Yourself- Tips for the Working Professional
Excessive Stress Symptoms
*Grinding teeth *a pounding heart *a dry mouth *increased anxiety *changes in eating, sleeping and exercise patterns *fatigue *increased smoking and drinking *digestive problems *trouble in concentrating *decrease in fun activities *alcohol or drug use
The following stress reduction techniques offer some easy guidelines to follow at work or at home.
At Work
• Try numbered breathing. Find a quiet place and seat yourself comfortably. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you exhale, say the word, “one”. Repeat the breathing and counting procedure for 10 to 15 minutes.
• Take a 5-minute break when you feel an increase in anxiety. After the break period, write down
some possible solutions so that you don’t get stuck in the problem.
• Don’t isolate. Join a co-worker for lunch. Take a few minutes to talk with someone in your workplace about non-work issues.
• Take a breather from your work. Go outside for lunch or take a walk.
• Avoid coffee and caffeine. Caffeine increases the stress response of your body.
• Talk out your troubles with a sympathetic and trustworthy friend. Often another person can help you see your problem in a new light, so you can work on a constructive solution. Consider calling your (EAP) Employee Assistance Program.
At Home
• Find something to make you laugh. Research is revealing that laughter has positive beneficial effects on the mind and body. “Laughter is the best medicine” has some merit.
• Shun the “super-person” image. Decide which things you do well and put your major effort into these. Seek help from family and friends in other areas.
• Share feelings with supportive family and friends.
• Buy and listen to some relaxation tapes.
• Avoid frequent frequent quarrels. Try giving in occasionally. By yielding, you'll find others will also.
• Engage in aerobic exercise like jogging, cycling and tennis.
• When first arriving at home, take a few moments to relieve your body stress by lying down or
• Limit the amount of time you spend conversing about work concerns.
For confidential counseling assistance and referral for stress related concerns please
call: REACH Employee Assistance, Inc. 1-800-273-5273
De-Stressing Yourself- PDF Download
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