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Self Assessment For ADHD


Ask yourself the following questions.

Does my child often. .. .

  • Fidget or squirm in their seat?

  • Distract easily?

  • Have difficulty awaiting their turn?

  • Blurt out answers to questions?

  • Have difficulty following instructions?

  • Shift from one uncompleted activity to another?

  • Have difficulty playing quietly?

  • Talk excessively?

  • Interrupt or intrude on others?

  • Seem not to be listening?

  • Engage in activities that are physically dangerous?


If you answered “yes” to any (3) of these questions, your child may be suffering from ADHD.


Facts About ADHD

ADHD is not a learning disability. It is the most common psychiatric disorder of childhood; it affects 3-5% of school age children and is much more common in boys

If there is one child in the home with ADHD, there may be other children in the family who have it too. 

ADHD is not anyone’s fault and there are safe and effective treatments for ADHD which can dramatically help your child. 

There is no cure for ADHD, but there are safe and effective treatments, including medications, that can help your child control the symptoms. In fact, in most cases, treatment and/or medication can dramatically improve attention span and stop restlessness.


Getting Help

The first step is to ask your pediatrician who can assess whether your child has ADHD and help to find the right treatment. You and your child’s teacher can work together to help your child become better organized and complete tasks. Keeping your child on a daily schedule and assuring that they get plenty of praise and reassurance will be helpful both at home and school.


As always you can contact REACH to get started in the right direction. 1-800-273-5273


Suggested additional website information on ADHD:

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